
Showing posts from 2012

how to make an otherwise terrific movie less miserable

Sandy Hook and religion

glad tidings

tonality and ambiguity

education in america, part 2

our iambic language

reports of my death

greta dirtyfoot

now that's spin



annals of mortification, vol I

a shining city on a hill

columbus, and the death and survival of races

the 57 and all saints

chesterton on mackerels, air, and pleasure

beauty, truth, elegance

theme from "wings"

the old and the new

civil debate

wings and may

the important things

columbus day

education in america

a better truth about power


about college, part 2

about college, part 1

can't smile without you

you demonize, you lose

I love my friends

passion project at jazzSAlive market

wardrobe issues

The Suit Theory


the real issue with the one (really the half-) percent

a shared body of knowledge

on pushing down the stool on your foot

on not saying "great job!!!!!!"

a farewell

i've come close to this

independence day

nature, nurture, jazz, and genius

big bites

elections, issues, and the metonymy of loathing

married three thousand days

extra, extra

ever worked for this boss?

canonical canon

the road to amnesia

a conversation about famous persons

back off, dingos

on not saying no

here everything's battier

new fiona apple

a mainstream trip memory


cool and the collar

loquats, kumquats, and markets

all night long

second fiddle