
Showing posts from 2011


plus ça change

slavery footprint

handel's messiahs

people in charge who get it

yes, virginia, they know where you are

secret messages in music

the opposite of onomatopoeia?

word choice: it matters!

baby carriages and baggage

chesterton on dogma

passion, live


holidays and consistency

2 things in 2 days


a short sermon

chattanooga choo-choo

depth and vision

here's to the crazy one.

an affirmation

'rest' now available

the fragrance of apple


sixties night

that kind of day

Pop, Rock, Country, Damnation

praise and worship styles

greta, a year old

new shamu show, and free barry


prayer and water

Doxology package now available

guiding spirit

why you'd hate to live in mexico

fun with sam and jan and dick

the potter rule

lord, Lord, LORD

joy spring

a (not very) new despotism

major, minor, perfect, imperfect

separate and equally brazen

due north

the response

venn diagram, please

taking a stand

the wounded healer


3 pics for a girl

godparents' day

take this, strunk

mother's day

happy birthday kjv

decision 2012

paris journal 4

northern renaissance and southern renaissance

paris journal 3

you know who you are


some pictures of paris