in favor of facebook

It is possible to have a nuanced conversation on social media.    You can write long paragraphs, expounding without any fear of being interrupted.    You can have different pieces of a thread going at the same time, so that, if you break up a multilayered line of thought into different comments, then other comments can branch out from that.    It's all in writing, so you can go back and see if someone said what you thought they did, or if you really said what you thought you did.

Conversations happen asynchronously, so anyone can take as much time as they need.    And it's easy to link to other things that can contextualize the conversation.

In a lot of ways, Facebook is an ideal medium.    (Twitter has its own features and limitations.)    That doesn't mean everyone uses it in an ideal way, but anyone who pushes a bit can really use it to make progress.    I've had some really good and enlightening conversations, and actually seen people listen to each other.

This political season, I'd like to see more of the kind of discourse I've seen some of.


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