worship and gigging

It seems there are two different kinds of gigging musicians who are active believers.    One does *not* want to play in church.    The idea is, "I want to worship in church, and if I'm playing, then I'm gigging, thinking about exactly how to hit this groove, making sure I'm singing or playing in tune, trying to lock in with the other players, minding entrances and exits, adjusting the microphone.    I want to sing and pray and stand and kneel unfettered.    I want to keep the Sabbath by *not* distracting my heart with those other things, and instead simply worshiping with my family."

The other positively craves playing in church.    The idea is, "I want to worship in church, and if I'm playing I'm worshiping best.    Thinking about exactly how to hit this groove, making sure I'm singing or playing in tune, trying to lock in with the other players, minding entrances and exits, adjusting the microphone —– this is when I'm at play in the fields of the Lord, where discipline and freedom become indistinguishable.    These aren't distractions from worship:  they *are* worship."

I tried to phrase it fairly, but I guess you can tell I'm in the second group.


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