wiretapping and privacy

All I'm gonna say is, if we could just somehow get all the people who were mad about this 6 years ago and the people who are mad about it now together.... Aw, what am I saying. Pipe dream.

It's true in other areas, too. In general, Democrats have spoken very persuasively and strongly against the filibuster, arguing validly that it's undemocratic; Republicans have spoken very persuasively and strongly against the filibuster, arguing validly that it's undemocratic; but they only make those complaints when in power.

This is all just another reason Satan is pleased with the two-party system: since so much right and wrong is determined in people's minds by nothing more than team jersey, it's guaranteed that, whether the subject is filibusters or warrantless wiretapping, you're never going to get enough people mad about it at the same time.


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