mutually cornered

I was discussing politics with a friend, and the friend said the following (see if you can tell whether that friend is on the left or the right):

If we don't fight we'll be accepting a permanent second class citizenship.    All the nice folks who aren't directly affected shrug and move on, while we are the ones who get harassed, passed over for jobs, silenced, and given vastly different treatment in the justice system, while they can do whatever they want.    That's not a free country.   

If it walks like **ism, and it quacks like **ism, we'd damn well better call it for what it is and insist on our rights before we hit the next phase of the revolution.

What's the "ism" there?    Fascism?    Communism?    Racism?    Reverse racism?    Socialism?    Any of those would work, and there are plenty of people who would recite those paragraphs verbatim, given the right "ism" to complete them.    I've deleted it, just to show you how similar the messages are from the ends of our political spectrum.

This is what terrifies me and all who are watching things from the center.    Both the far right and the far left have been talking like this for several years now.    They feel cornered, attacked, overpowered, marginalized, backed up against the wall, and really only one desperate maneuver away from complete defeat forever in a new American landscape of permanent oppression.

We know what happens next when people feel this way.   The enemy now has *both* sides feeling this way.   The left hates it, the right hates it, and the center hates it, leaving only Satan who loves it.   I don't know what can be done.


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