
Recently, several friends have pointed simultaneously to the global rich list, a site that calculates what economic percentile you're in, and gives you a ranking (you're the 1,560,748,998th richest person on earth).

Despite the usual problems of such a thumbnail sketch — if you're married, do you count your own salary, or half of yours and your spouse's combined? either way, the result is misleading, because your household income is different; and how do you respond if you're a teenager? — it's nonetheless a sobering and fascinating exercise.

You and I are among the richest people who ever lived. If you make twenty-five thousand dollars a year, you're in the top ten percent of the richest people in the world. Fifty thousand puts you well within the top one percent. And that's just counting the ones alive right now. In world historical terms, of course, your riches are even greater.

Why not head over to the Christian Children's Fund and sponsor a child, or donate an animal to a village at


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