
Showing posts from 2015

mary, did you indeed know?

peter wins the internet for today

why the carpenters soothe

the vanishing subjunctive mood

my charlie grinch

everything old was always new


on leaving the greenhouse

why i have the best friends, part 2

one man's treasure


writing by hand

a mother's kitsch

pressure off

the trifecta

heart and soul

the bad "such"

goodbye, red

ginger, mary ann, and the rest

whole tone spontaneity

prostitution and covenant

yyz isolated bass track

end-of-a-movie-fy your statement

states' rights and textbook learning

a declaration for the ages

a great dinner reminded me


the movie slide game

a mad men ending

'get hard' and sex

the importance of shoes

sympathy for the devil

leaf work

the first 4000 days


yea! we're nerds! oh, it's just me

pawing into history

song juxtapositions

an ironic fate

bummers come in threes

black keys