
Showing posts from 2013

hot and cold breath

skiing reindeer says

christmas cookies

how the numbers lie (and don't)

canting unbutton

we three kings

carrots, education, and kelly

problem-solving in a healthy place

that country music "ay"

callas turns 90

big city songs

thoughts on mixing a live show

veterans' day thoughts

where have you actually been?

are you a boomer jazzer?


a song of temperance reform

two-spacing: a rebuttal

new charts, old charts, and kaizen

jazz liner notes, part one

some things run in the family

two-spacing and generations

meeting darren kuper

copernican revolutions

21st-century baptist envelope

my pear madeleines

delicious irony or the end of civilization?

can't talk about this without that, part 4: ethyl

clara planking

rest in peace, Eydie

keyboards and velocity

baby in a basket

how modern pop songwriters work

lake wobegonism of the week

against the x-shaped stand

washington crossing the delaware

pretty interesting

the girl on the trampoline

science and religion, or "science" and "religion"

take the baylor / a&m quiz

black women, hair, seriousness