take the baylor / a&m quiz

Texas A&M University and Baylor University are partnered in a College of Dentistry. Can you guess which one below is the real logo?

Choice A ...

... or choice B?

Hm. Each has something to recommend it. But neither one is actually it. Take a look at choice C:

Choice C, up there, is much more likely to be it, simply because the way the lines are written obscures the plain meaning of a joint venture between two universities to create a College of Dentistry, and makes it look like some sort of venture between A&M and a Baylor College Of Dentistry. And, as we all know, the more confusing it is, the more likely it is to actually be the one.

But what's the bottom line there for? Is the Texas A&M Health Science Center considered a third partner in the venture, or does A&M just want to get its name up there as much as possible? Too much Baylor Green and not enough Aggie Maroon? Who knows?

Perhaps a clue is that the above choice C isn't really the logo. Here's choice D.

Ahhhh!!! That's more like it. The all-maroon color scheme is much more harmonious, and of course harmony is what we're going for here. Still, though, the logo just seems too bland. Not enough variation.

Naturally. That's because the above choice D isn't really it either. I've been yanking your chain the whole time.

Here's the real logo.


Stephen said…
One step shy of perfect.

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