a farewell

From an old friend's funeral this afternoon:

"What is the purpose of a long life?" Jesus died at 33; who would say he didn't do what God put him here to do? That doesn't take away the sting of an old friend's loss, but it helps us put priorities where they belong, and where our friend often put them.

Seeing tons of old friends and church family: I hate that this happens at funerals, but it's very appropriate that they're often the vehicle for this blessed taste of future reunion.

A powerful and beautiful gesture: JR's band playing "Amarillo By Morning" singerless, fronted by an empty microphone with a hat on it.

I grew up fond of JR Park, his thoughtful faith a confirmation of a like-minded fellow-traveler for me. (Words read from his diary phrased his journey of faith in the Sigurdian terms I'd just used in a Bible study last week: taking the pieces of faith handed down and forging them into one's own.) Whether one-on-one or leading a study group, he always had an unusual and depthy take on scriptures and doctrines, and one look at the crinkles around his eyes told all you needed to know about how often, and how, he smiled.


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