body rhythms

I'm back in town after a week at Baylor U, doing my bi-yearly stage show there. That week was the longest time so far that Catherine and I have spent apart. I immediately reverted to my usual sleep schedule: bed at 3-4, wake at 12-1. That's something I've sort of given up since we got married, but it felt so normal and natural to be doing it again.

And why so natural? Simply because that's what my body trained itself to do for the 14 years of my postcollege life. Catherine really needs lots of sleep, and she really wants me to come to bed with her — something that doesn't happen with composers, most of whom have different schedules from their spouses' — so I've been getting very very little done careerwise in the months we've been married. Just this week, though, I've decided that the only way out of this is to do that training again. My body shifted to the nocturnal schedule, and it can shift back, theoretically.

We'll see if I can get anything done this way. But the question remains: how to still be brilliant at midnight when it's called for?


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