taliban dan

Whatever your views are on divorce, alimony, abortion, or the Bible, here's a superb reason to vote Republican in this guy's district.

Watch the two videos back to back. Everyone furious about how Shirley Sherrod was treated should be furious about this sleazy maneuver. Grayson approved an ad that selectively edits the man to say the opposite of what he was saying. Laughable, almost. Almost.

Now, old "Taliban Dan" (Taliban! the new Hitler mustache!) does have an appalling track record. Regardless of what he wants to do about the economy, taxes, schools, and whatnot, the things he wants to pass regarding marriage and divorce alone are enough to vote against him. But, if I lived in Florida, I just might go with that something inside me that says that even if I'm more ideologically with Grayson, we just shouldn't let him get away with it.

It's scary that he thought he could, and it's scarier still that he just might.


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